Parc Astérix, inspired by the beloved French comic book series, is a treasure trove of fun and excitement just north of Paris. While everyone flocks to the big, flashy rides like the Goudurix roller coaster and the Tonnerre de Zeus wooden coaster, there are plenty of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Ready for a fun, lighthearted journey through the lesser-known wonders of Parc Astérix? Let’s dive in!

Not Just About the Big Rides

Sure, the big rides are awesome. But have you ever stumbled upon a hidden corner of magic that made you feel like you just found a secret treasure? That’s exactly what these lesser-known attractions offer. Think of them as the Easter eggs of Parc Astérix – little surprises that can make your visit even more special.

1. La Forêt des Druides

Imagine wandering into a magical forest where druids play. That’s La Forêt des Druides for you! It’s an enchanted play area tucked away in the park’s greenery. Here, kids can engage in interactive water games, climb treehouses, and explore whimsical pathways.

Story: One family shared how their kids spent an entire hour splashing around in the water games, laughing and playing like they’d discovered a hidden fairyland.

2. Le Défi de César

Get ready for a challenge! Le Défi de César is an interactive adventure where you become part of Julius Caesar’s trials. It’s a blend of live-action and advanced technology that takes you on a fun, engaging journey.

Story: A visitor recounted how their group was so immersed in the experience, they almost forgot they were in a theme park and not ancient Rome!

3. La Trace du Hourra

Looking for something that’s not your typical roller coaster? Try La Trace du Hourra. It’s like bobsledding, but without the snow. This ride zooms you down a winding track, giving you the rush of a bobsled run.

Review: Thrill-seekers often mention how La Trace du Hourra offers a refreshing break from the conventional coasters. “It’s like riding a giant metal snake – fast, smooth, and so much fun!”

4. Le Spectacle de Magie

Tucked away in the Roman area of the park is a delightful magic show. This isn’t just any magic show – it’s a blend of tricks and illusions that will leave you scratching your head in amazement.

Story: One audience member said they were so impressed by the magician’s tricks, they spent the rest of the day trying (and failing) to figure them out.

5. Le Petit Train

Sometimes, you just need a break from all the excitement. Le Petit Train offers a peaceful tour around the park, letting you sit back and enjoy the scenic beauty of Parc Astérix. It’s perfect for resting those tired feet while still taking in the sights.

Review: “Le Petit Train was our savior! After hours of walking and riding, it was so nice to just relax and let the train take us around. Plus, it’s a great way to see parts of the park you might otherwise miss.”

Tips for Finding and Enjoying These Hidden Gems

  • Use the Park Map: Grab a map at the entrance or use the Parc Astérix app. It’s like your treasure map to finding all the hidden gems.
  • Visit During Off-Peak Times: Weekdays and off-peak seasons are your best bet for avoiding crowds and really enjoying these spots.
  • Ask the Staff: The park staff know all the secrets. Don’t be shy to ask them for recommendations.
  • Explore the Themed Areas: Take your time to wander through each themed area. You never know what surprise awaits around the corner.
  • Check Show Schedules: Make sure you know when the shows are happening. Getting there a bit early ensures you get a good seat.


Parc Astérix is full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. By venturing off the beaten path, you’ll find unique experiences that add extra magic to your visit. Whether it’s the enchanting play areas, immersive challenges, or peaceful rides, these hidden gems are sure to make your day at Parc Astérix unforgettable. So next time you visit, channel your inner explorer and seek out these delightful surprises. Happy adventuring!

For more tips and details on enjoying your visit to Disneyland and other Parisian theme parks, check out our detailed guide here.